Director Surendary Reddy tactfully edited out more than 1-hour duration of his film 'Race Gurram' and made it a slick and hilarious entertainer, to rake in big moolah.
Initially, director shot lots of comedy and sentimental scenes but at the editing table, realised that length could be a hindrance, cleverly chopped off 60-odd minutes of portions (few portions even with heavy heart) but finally, he could connect with viewers, who are walking out light-hearted and with smile on their faces, thanks to the racy Brahmi's comedy, that covered up few lapses and logic-less scenes in the 2 hr 45 minutes movie.
Sometimes, last minute decisions, to pay off and Surendar Reddy would be patting himself for his shrewd scisoring skills and ended his flop-run, with a blockbuster?
hi iam a bigg fan of u